Hello lovelies!

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in my writing and reading life. Hope you enjoy your stay!

Being A Struggling Writer

Good Morning Beauties,

This might sound a bit like a pep talk or a lecture, and I suppose it could be in some ways, but what I really want to do is ease your mind. Ease all the minds of those just starting out and finally beginning their writing journey, but also to those who think that even after publishing many books, they should no longer be struggling when they write.

Well first off, I have not published ten books, I haven’t even written ten yet, but I’m close. No, what’s important to remember and I do know this for a fact, no research is necessary. If I still struggle when I write, then there must be someone else struggling to just the same as I am. But not just that, I can to the conclusion that there are probably very few if any, writers (no matter how many books they’ve written or published) who do not struggle even a small amount during their writing process. Because let’s face it, the human mind is not perfect, it makes mistakes and gets confused and because a wriute’s writing process comes from their mind, it is flawed too and imperfect. And if imperfection begins in the writer and in their process, then there has to be an element of struggle within that process.

I have also come to realize that a writer learns something with every book they write and so, they only stop struggling completely when there is nothing left for them to learn which, as we know, is impossible. I know that I personally, have not even scratched the surface yet of what I am capable of learning from my writing. that’s why I chose to enjoy the struggle and to ask for help when I feel I need it.

So, learn to enjoy the struggle guys and understand that too is you learning and becoming a better writer. And if you get stuck, there is a whole writing community behind you if you need help or support. And we will be here to catch you when you fall and to be there to wipe away your tears and help you rebuild. We will stick with you and hope you will do the same if we ever need any help or a fresher pair of eyes.

Don’t you give up, just because there’s a little struggle involved.

Rose Marie

My Writing Struggle

Life As A Writer