Hello lovelies!

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in my writing and reading life. Hope you enjoy your stay!

Good evening beautiful writers and readers,

So I did have a great day today, not lots of writing, but I got all my homework done and handed in 2 assignments so I feel very accomplished. And though I did not get to writing until very late in the day I do still feel that I got a nice amount of work done and I feel good about it. Hoping I’ll feel like doing some editing and revising after this, fingers crossed.

Yes, though I didn’t get much to the writing part today, I did get a lot of outlining done for the middle part of both novels I’m currently working on so that’s good. It’ll be perfect for when I do the 10-hour write in with Page Nomad. I’ll have a lot of material I can go through before needing to outline again to finish the books. I will be very happy if I can reach 10 more thousand words by the end of Tuesday the 24th as I hope to start my Monday off with writing right in the morning. If I do then I should get at least 2,000 words for the day then I’m hoping at least another 8,000 words during the 10-hour write in and hopefully I can finish NaNo as strongly as I began it.

I am really questioning whether I’ll be able to make the 75k as per my 2nd goal for NaNo, but if I reach the 50k that will be good also and will definitely still reward myself for that. As it is still a large goal and brings me that much closer to the finish line for both books. Though by the word count I expect for both of them I’m assuming the 50k goal will only leave me maybe halfway through both, but that might just be me hoping a little too hard.

Anyway, I had a great day and didn’t want to keep that to myself. I enjoy talking to you guys and and taking a few minutes out of my day to send you little updates on my progress and again I am so sorry for missing so many days. I just didn’t have time to write and what little time I did would have taken over my meal times, which I did in fact need to keep my brain from completely melting.

Anyway, so have a great night all, I hope you writing session was as productive as my planning session. I’m actually enjoying planning out these 4 books even though I’m usually not a planner, but a pantser, it’s still fun to be able to figure things out when they finally come to me and be able to stick it right in the slot where it belongs. Almost like a math equation. Let me know how your writing and reading is going I would seriously love to talk about it with you. If you haven’t noticed, I love to talk. Happy reading and writing!

Celine Rose Marie

November 25th 2020

November 18th 2020 The Slump