Hello lovelies!

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in my writing and reading life. Hope you enjoy your stay!

November 6th NaNo Day 6

Good afternoon lovely amazing people, you are so beautiful,

So great writing session today, likely won’t have any more time to write today, but I’m very happy with the progress that I made today. I did some writing sprints and got 1,306 words in less than an hour. I am so proud of myself especially since the beginning of NaNo was not a great time for me, but it seems I’m bouncing back. Go me! Sorry, I’m just super excited. After the tiny word count on November 3rd, I was feeling very discouraged and even went as far as thinking that I would not be able to finish the 50K goal, let alone the other goals that I have set for myself this month, however, loose they maybe if I can’t reach any of them I will be very disappointed.

Especially as I’ve done NaNo before and was able to achieve even 75K in that same month to finish my draft so I know very well that I can do this and it even seems like less of a big deal now as I’ve gone above and beyond more than once, but it is still a big deal. And I will still be proud of myself no matter what goals I’m able to achieve this month.

So what are your goals? Have you met any of your smaller goals (if you make smaller goals)? Are you having difficulties like I was? I know how hard it is and can be, I’ve been there and so many times it’s difficult to count on both hands and both feet. And I’ve been writing for 10 years. But it happens all the time, I know because it happens to ma all the time, just like the start of NaNo this year for one example.

Well, let me know how you’re all doing with NaNo or if you’re not participating in NaNo then how you’re doing with your writing in general or maybe you’re a reader and you’re doing a readathon. Let me know what you’re reading and how it’s going so far and if you’re springing ahead of your goals or if you’re falling behind like so many of us do so frequently.

Thank you so much for spending time with me today, I enjoyed updating you guys on my 2020 journey with NaNoWriMo. Hapy writing and reading! I’ll talk again on Monday.

November 10th NaNo Day 10

November 5th Update