Hello lovelies!

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in my writing and reading life. Hope you enjoy your stay!

Deciding What To Write First

Good morning all you lovely people,

Yes, I’m back again this morning, just like I promised. I have gotten a lot of work done, but I have even more work yet to finish. I feel like the list just keeps growing, but at least there’s always something to do. I’m definitely keeping myself busy. Never a dull moment.

So, many budding writers or interested writers tend to say they have so many ideas, which prompts the question, “how do you choose?” “Which idea should you write about?” “Which is more popular?”

To that I answer that no one idea is any more important than another, per say, only ones that feel more important, feel more driving. Like you can’t get it out of your mind. As for which idea would be more popular, only the population can decide that for sure and it changes so drastically and quickly that by the time you’re finished writing, it has likely already changed. So then you have to begin again. By advice would be to write what feel best/most important/most driving to you and worrying about finding your audience later because they’re there.

Now, as for choosing, there is no one way or no true/best way to choose. What I do is I go with my gut. I write what feels the most pressing at the time. If the new idea feels most pressing then I write and brainstorm until the feeling goes away, until I run out of ideas. But currently my most pressing project is the one that’s farthest along. Because I’m so excited for it to be done and to move onto the next book or the next idea.

You’re not the only one with a flood of ideas. I have so many I’ll likely not finish them in my lifetime. So not to worry, you’re not alone. Just pick the one that feels most imperative in the moment. Which one is most inspiring. Which one do you feel is most important, is most inspiring, interests you the most and keeps you engaged? That’s the idea you write first. Because it’s the one that won’t leave you alone unless you do something about it first. If you’re doing anything else and thinking about another idea, the best course of action is to at least jot down what’s swimming around in your head so your mind can let go of that idea because it’s on paper/a screen/word document and safe. Then you’re mind is free to continue with the talk at hand or project at hand.

Well, that will be it for me today guys. Lots of love! Happy reading and writing. Until next time.

Celine Rose Marie

Edit As You Go

November TBR

November TBR