Gooooood morning all you gorgeous people, all you lovelies, all you talented creatures and welcome to this very important post.
Confidence, as we all should know by now, especially during a friggin pandemic, is so super important. Everyone needs to feel confident in themselves, their bodies and their abilities. That’s what this post if about.
Now, as writers, we all struggle with this among a variety of other things and it’s because we are our own worst critiques. We pick our words and stories apart until we are finally satisfied they are perfect, which (let’s be honest), is never the case. And so, we do this to ourselves as well as our writing, we pick ourselves apart trying to fix every little thing that is wrong, when really, there’s nothing wrong, we don’t have to change ourselves, but we do need to take care of ourselves, our mental and physical health. But that’s different and I could also argue that having confidence in yourself is part of self-care.
Be confident in your dream, in your goals, your wishes and yourself as a writer. Yes, it’s hard, being a writer is hard and picking your work apart while not picking yourself apart is hard, but that’s part of why we’re writers. No one else could do this and survive it, so let’s give ourselves some credit. You’re doing something impossible and making it look easy, effortless, that’s no easy task, you’re showing the world what you’re made of. You’re awesome and strong and talented. You’re an incredible human being.
Confidence is important for everyone, especially for a writer. You’re writing, however bad, is still good because you took nothing, a blank page, the air you’re breathing, the coffee in your cup and turning it into a story that people can read and enjoy. You poured over the details a thousand times just to make it all make sense, you put all the peices of the puzzle together so your reader didn’t have to and laid it out before them in a neat little package. You show your reader(s) an entirely new world, perspective, voice to any other in the whole world. You created a world from nothing but your own mind. That’s pretty incredible.
Long story short, don’t sell yourself short. You’re doing an amazing job keeping yourself together and still creating something no one else could have. Don’t stop, the rest of us see you and you make it look like a cake-walk, like a breeze, it’s beautiful and inspiring. It’s what you’re meant to do so don’t stop and stop selling yourself short. Doing something impossible is going to be hard, no one told you it would be easy, hell, people likely even told you you’d never be able to do it, but here you are doing it and succeeding.
You bring the world entertainment and it thanks you. Your readers love you so use that to build confidence in yourself , you deserve it and more than earned it. You bled for it, sweated for it and grilled yourself over words for hours for it. Give yourself a break, you’re doing a fantastic job.
Keep on writing and reading! Keep doing what you love and the rest of us will sit back and say wow, our mouths hanging open, our minds shattering. Be confident, confidence is beautiful. Thank you so much for today guys! I’m finally starting to get back to a more regular routine after so long of feeling scrambled. It feels good to be back. I missed you all so much while I was gone and thank you for being patient with me. until next time, lovelies…
Celine Rose Marie