Hello lovelies!

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in my writing and reading life. Hope you enjoy your stay!

Well, Hello Again Lovelies

Gooooood evening beautiful, amazing, inspiring people,

So, yes I know I did not get a chance to spend time with you last week, but I have a very good reason. I had 3 midterms to write and it was very stressful. But I am back now and hoping once again that I will have more time to spend with you all or could at least stick to a commitment of one post per week.

But enough about that, let’s get right into it. I just finished very productive writing and editing sessions and I am feeling very excited and very inspired and just on top of the world. I am editing my rough draft of book 1 for my assassin trilogy. Which, as it turns out, is very rough, but I am making some really good progress on it. I have grown as a writer, even just in the last few months and have been able to make some major and inspiring changes to book 1. Which I am very proud of and proud to announce.

And I’ve made some slow progress on drafting book 2 recently which I am also excited about because once book 2 is written then I can move onto ending the story in book 3. Which has a whole pile of stuff planned for it already, it’s going to be a very big story told in book 3 with a lot of amazing details about the characters, their pasts, their futures, and the ending I’m hoping will be just as amazing as I’m wanting it to be as I’m planning for it to be.

Anyway, so sorry about that, I’ve just been talking about me, what about you guys? What have you done during these nearly two weeks I’ve been MIA? Lots of reading I hope and writing of course. I hope you are all getting lots done and doing the things that inspire you and that you’re passionate about.

I myself have actually, finally, begun reading Jenna Moreci’s most recent novel, The Savior’s Sister, sooo good so far. I am loving it, I loved her first book The Savior’s Champion. They are part of her Savior’s Series and all adult, dark fantasy, romance books. I am also hoping to begin reading Cam Wolfe’s novel Welcome Descent soon, I’ve read the first few pages, but I haven’t done much more than that, but I think I’m going to enjoy it and I really wanted to support him.

So, my plans still stand, with all this good progress made today on editing I am hoping to be done in time to work with an editor this summer and hopefully publish it soon.

I hope you guys are doing great, things feel pretty great over here right now, though I have had a few down days lately, today is definitely a good day, I really needed one, full of productivity. Well, have a great rest of your night guys, I missed you and hope to see you again next week, hopefully for sure. Never stop reading and never stop writing, you’ll get there if you just put your whole heart in and never give up.

Celine Rose Marie

Lovely Day For Some Writing

Happy Writing Day: Little Progress This Week: Big Progress Today