Hello lovelies!

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in my writing and reading life. Hope you enjoy your stay!

Good Afternoon Lovelies,

Yes I know, I broke my promise yet again, but in my defence, we went to get our first vaccine this week and went visiting family for 2 days. So I was busy with all that, plus I didn’t stop writing or editing. So I was real busy the last 4 days, plus I worked Monday and Tuesday, plus we recently got a new mattress that we had issues with also, the shipping company, ugh.

Anyway, all drama and other issues aside, I’m back now and I have a new topic I’d like to address. The problem with writing. You know the one, how you love it so much, but you also hate it a little bit at the same time because of how hard it is. Yes, I feel it too. Sometimes I feel it up to my ears and this week was one of those weeks.

I had difficulty writing while at my in-laws’ house this week and I’m pretty sure it’s just because the environment was different, but it still feels like it’s harder for me than for anyone else and that it should be easier. If you’ve ever felt this way, trust me when I say this, you are not alone. All writers feel that writing is probably easier for other writers than it is for them. Though, when I think about it enough, I do find that I don’t actually wish it to be easier. I like the struggle, it keeps me invested in improving myself and my craft.

I sort of like how hard writing it because when I do cross that bridge into being a published author, I think it’ll feel like I’ve achieved something unthinkable, something impossible and will feel really amazing, even encourage me to continue writing and work harder to make the next book even better.

I have made some progress since I last wrote to you guys, I’ve finished ch. 6 and am now struggling with ch. 7, but we’re getting close to the end now. Then I’ll want to figure out how I’m going to begin writing BK 3 which, yes I know it’s late, but still has yet to even be thoughts about much. But it still has me a bit stuck. But I want to change that.

So, basically what I’m saying is, whatever you’re feeling as a writer, whatever you’re struggling with, you are not the first and you are not alone. Every other writer has been there or is there with you, you just don’t know it. Writing is hard, but that’s what makes it so rewarding. You are doing the hardest thing a person can do, you are creating something from nothing, you are making a visual world with words. It’s going to feel overwhelming at times and yes it might hurt and you might bleed, but when you do, be sure to bleed over the page. Where others can see it. ;)

You are doing well, you are doing the best you can. Every writer has their issues with the process, but that doesn’t mean we give up. It means we push harder to finish because we can’t live without writing.

Okay beauties, I know that was deep, but it had to be said and I needed to say it. I needed to express how I’ve been feeling and how to get myself back on my feet again. Please comment, I would so love to hear from you. I missed you, I really did. Have a great rest of your week and take care of yourself and nurture your writing. It is what you’re meant to do. And we all know it. You just need a little more practice. Lots of love. Until next week.

Celine Rose Marie

Hey Guys I'm Back - Again - Yes, I'm Sorry - Again

The Dreaded Middle - Editing - A Bit of a Rant