Gooooooood morning lovelies,
Yes, I’ve been gone a while. And yes I plan on being back for a while at least, fingers crossed. So in the time I was gone, I got my second dose of Maderna, got sick and recovered. I finished reading a few books and began reading new ones! I’ve been busy with work and reading and writing among other family issues. Plus I’ve begun contacting some of my friends after not doing so for longer than I wanted to during covid. And yesterday I finished drafting a new ch. 12 for BK 1. The editing has been slow and recently halted as I am now missing several scenes that need to be added to make the rest of the story and the next books makes a bit more sense. It’s been slow going but it’s getting better. I’m choosing to be happy with my progress.
Okay, so that was one hell of an update yeah? I’ve been busy and getting lots done. Not to mention I’m also trying to better myself. I’m not yet working out the way I want to, but I’m thinking about how I can integrate some workouts into my already busy life while not sacrificing the things I enjoy doing or my sacred writing time.
So, I will be posting again today, it’s going to (finally) be another write with my prompt which I am very excited about. Very excited to get writing something new that I haven’t already started. So…… stay tuned! I will be back.
Anyway, since it’s been a while, I want to hear what you’ve all been up to. Have you been reading a lot, writing a lot? Did you finish a chapter or an entire novel since the last time we chatted? Let me know in the comments. Or better yet, have you found a new favourite book or WIP? How has your life been going through this break in the clouds of the covid darkness we’ve been experiencing for so long now? Have you been feeling out of sorts? Has your mental health suffered? I know mine has a bit. The other day I was completely numb to any feeling, including the love I have for my partner. I knew I still loved him, but at the time I could not feel it inside me. Which sucked, but I got through it with his help.
It was great chatting and catching up with you guys. I’ve decided that no apology is necessary because I needed some extra time to deal with my life and my own health and that’s okay! Thanks for stopping by. See you guys, very sooon. ;) Lots of love!
Celine Rose Marie