Hello lovelies!

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in my writing and reading life. Hope you enjoy your stay!

Welcome back lovelies,

Today I want to talk about how sometimes taking a break can really help your writing and fill the creative well. Especially when this alternative activity you’re doing seems to pull at your attention more than the writing does. Just do it, it’ll give you the relaxation, the break from writing that you need and may even fuel you to get back into things stronger the next time you sit down to write.

Recently I took a whole day off from writing. I didn’t even keep up any of my author platforms or social media accounts. It was a total unplug from from writing and it was nice. I read for four hours straight and even finished a book. It was unproductive time, but I still felt like I did something worth while and was close enough to writing that I didn’t feel too bad for not getting any writing done.

It felt nice to give myself a day off, a full day free of writing. I just relaxed and took care of me without guilt over lack of productivity. If you’re really feeling burnout and are struggling I would suggest a day off, just one where you do something writing related that isn’t necessarily related to writing. Reading is a very good alternative to writing because reading lots can make you a better writer.

Reading is close enough to writing that you don’t feel completely disconnected from writing, but you’re also giving yourself enough distance that it also doesn’t feel like you’re participating in writing. Painting is another media or hobby that may be good as you’re still creating and it can still feel connected, but not closely connected with writing.

Find another activity to participate in that relaxes you and you enjoy. Give yourself time, don’t stress it. Just enjoy it and don’t worry about the writing. give yourself a full break and you’ll come back stronger.

I felt very good after my break, I was ready to get some work done. I had the unfortunate circumstances to be very exhausted the next day so unfortunately it was a mental health day, so another break, but I got the sleep I needed and came back ready to work on Wednesday.

On Wednesday I finished writing BK 3 in my thriller trilogy, so the break really helped. Not just my mental health, but it helped the ideas click and it’s how I was able to come up with the ending. Which felt really good. Another book down and an entire trilogy wrapped up all at once. Honestly I didn’t even think it was going to happen. I wasn’t sure I was going to type those last words that day, but things just clicked.

Give yourself a break, you’re doing amazing and we all see it. Every writer knows the struggle of writing. You’re doing just fine, trust me. Just like the rest of us are. Don’t give up, just maybe take a little break so you can come back stronger.

Well, thank you for tuning in. It was nice to have you around. I hope this helped any of you that are struggling with your writing too. It’s okay to take a break, but make sure it’s a guilt-free break, otherwise there’s no point in taking one at all. You got this!

Well, that’s it for me guys. I’ll see you soon. Lots of love! Happy reading and writing. Until next time, bye.

Celine Rose Marie

Struggling With After-Draft Burnout? | Welcome To The Club | Give Up, Trust Me

Words That Kill | Progress Report | I'm Done! | Burnout Possibilities | Speak No Evil Trilogy

Words That Kill | Progress Report | I'm Done! | Burnout Possibilities | Speak No Evil Trilogy