Hello lovelies!

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in my writing and reading life. Hope you enjoy your stay!

Writing | Burnout | Back At It | My Writing Can't Wait

Good night beauties,

Yes, this is the latest I’ve posted before, but it’s exciting. I’m away from home tonight, staying with family for a family event happening tomorrow. So I’m embracing a change from my usual routine and hoping it’ll bring uncontrollable inspiration with it. Yes it’s technically not Friday anymore, but I haven’t yet gone to bed so to me it’s just very late on Friday night. So it still counts and I am still being consistent.

So things are flowing nicely and things are looking up for this book fortunately. Lately I’ve almost been feeling like I began this project at the wrong time, the most wrong time of any as I banged out the first 5 chapters, then these extra hours happened, then more extra hours and now it seems like I just don’t have much time for it at all and when I have time then I don’t have the energy. So I don’t end up spending much time with it. I have been trying to spend some time with it, even if my creative juices are pretty much drained. I’ve been editing over what I’ve already written and it helps me feel connected to the world and the characters It’s been very difficult though.

Tough doesn’t mean you give up!

It certainly doesn’t. In fact, sometimes the most important and rewarding things are difficult to achieve and cause the most initial turmoil before becoming the best thing to happen to you. I think that if I continue then good things will come my way and not just success, but more ideas, more creative adventures for me to explore. I believe better things are headed my way. I just need to be strong and kick it in the ass now.

Yes, you guessed it. I am yawning right now as I write this, but that’s okay, I chose this. I am a firm believer in (and often do this myself) making writing time. Sometimes if there isn’t time to write, but there comes a point where you finally say enough. I NEED this time and it can’t wait any longer. So writing becomes the most important thing. More important than a shower, than eating, than sleep, it becomes the most important thing of all the important things. Right now if one of those times. I am sacrificing sleep because I need to write. If I don’t write then I’m not me, if I don’t write then I’m not a writer, I’m conjuring up a glorified version of what a writer is or should be. I’m not doing that. Tonight I am putting everything else down, everything else away. This is the most important thing to me right now and it can’t wait.

Which is why the rest of this post will be written once I’ve finished and I will publish it then. I hope you all understand.

So I did get some work done and I’m calling it enough I’m exhausted. I’m not happy, but satisfied enough for now. Hope to get right back to work tomorrow as I have to be up a bit early for my partner. So I should be able to sneak in a few more minutes for this project. I’m also working on finishing up another unfinished project I’d been working on before beginning this one. But I was so taken with the idea that I just couldn’t help myself.

Anyway, thanks for bearing with me through all this. It’s gotten really back, but hey, the money is nice too. And when this is over I’ll have an opportunity to spend some of it. Just a little bit longer (as I keep telling myself).

Thank you for joining me in my writing tonight. I enjoyed getting to spend some time with this project and with all of you lovely people. Please join us here again! Usually, I discuss much more exciting things than burnout, but this is a very tough part of the process and it’s important to address it.

Anyway, I’m exhausted so have a good rest of your night and tomorrow. I’ll see you again soon. Lots of love! Please comment anything below I’d love to hear from you. Until next time, bye guys.

Celine Rose Marie

World Issues | Ukraine Crisis | Stand Up | Writers For Ukraine

Progress | Yes It's Been A While | Better Late Than Never