Good morning lovelies,
I hope you’re having a good morning. Mine was rough at first because I woke up early from a horrifying dream that I wish I could forget and couldn’t go back to sleep because I can’t forget it. Things are looking up now despite my unnecessarily early morning, coffee is helping and coming onto here to see you is also helping. So I hope you are not going through that. I hope your caffeinated drink is strong and your thoughts happy and positive on this fine morning. And that your creative flow flows like a waterfall, splashing ideas all over you.
Now, I’m sure you all already know the realities of being a writer and writing but this is more so for the new writers who are maybe exploring the idea of writing, but haven’t started yet or haven’t hit any rough patches yet.
I don’t mean to scare you, but writing is hard, it’ very hard and there are going to be rough patches. Sometimes it’ll even seem like all the patches are rough with very few good ones in between. But hear me out. It is worth it if you love doing it.
Things you’ll experience as a writer:
Imposter syndrome
Writer’s Block
Tough love
Things you’ll feel as a writer:
Yes, writing is hard and it takes a strong person to do it and stick with it. But you also get stronger the longer you stick with it. On the outside looking at those two lists above it feels like it may not be worth it. And that list is by no means exhaustive. And writing will be a struggle from beginning to end and I don’t just mean with book 1. I mean it’s a struggle every day or most days, but doesn’t’ the struggle make the achievements more earned? It makes it more worth it. Like you really earned everything you worked for or worked towards.
Writing sure is hard, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. I get to experience such an array or emotions and experiences throughout the process of writing, especially when I’m so invested in a project that it’ like I’ve traveled the world and lived more tan one lifetime. By the time my journey is over, I will have had an overabundance of experiences that it’ll have been like I spent my life the way I should have, living more than one life in one lifetime.
Plus, writing makes me happy. Even if I’m frustrated or angry or confused. Even when I think I should quit because I’ll never write anything good. Because when I hit that point, it isn’t long before I get a bigger, better idea that has me hyped again for writing and believing that I can do it.
Then there are the thought about how many people will or could enjoy my writing. And that makes me happy and excited to publish work that I’ve written, that I’ve worked so hard on. It’ll make that time well spent.
Writing isn’t for everyone and certainly not everyone can make a career out of it, at least not a full-time career, but it’s not something I can give up. It’s who I am. And this is what I should be doing. No matter how long it takes.
Well, that is it for me today guys. But I hope this message was inspiring and pushes new writers to join us in this writing journey, this spectacular journey. With caution of course and knowing that it won’t be easy. So if you go for it, make sure you really want it.
Thanks for hanging out guys, it was so great having you here and being here myself. I do have some of my writing published on social media, just short snippets or flash fiction stories, even micro fiction. If you wonder what my writing is like. My links are here on my site. If you can’t find them, the easiest place is the contact me page and you can check them out if you want. I would love to hear what you think of them.
Well, lots of love! Happy reading and writing. Until next time, bye for now.
Celine Rose Marie