Hello lovelies!

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in my writing and reading life. Hope you enjoy your stay!

Are You An Amateur Writer? | It's Okay, We All Start Somewhere

Good morning Everyone!,

I know! It’s been so long! but don’t worry, I plan on giving you guys lots of content. We’ll catch up!

Honestly, I often consider myself an amateur because I haven’t had anything professionally published yet. But then I find myself critiquing the writing of others and noticing their mistakes, ones that I’ve caught myself doing, but would never consider letting anyone see. So I’m a better writer than I think I am. But we all have to start somewhere. And I’ve been writing for many years now.

I believe I finished writing my first novel when I was 17. It was terrible and no one will ever see it, but it was the first step. It was the step that made me realize how far I’d come and that I could finish writing a novel. Now I’ve finished 11 manuscripts and I’m working on getting Book 1 of my Speak No Evil Series ready for publication.

The best thing you can do when you think you’re not a good enough writer is to not give up, to keep pushing forward, to finish as many manuscripts as you can and to learn and study writing as much as you can. You’ll get better, I did. It takes hard work and dedication, but you’ll get there!

Honestly, being an amateur isn’t a bad thing. It means you are starting from the best part. You get to learn and absorb all the information you find on writing and integrate it into your own. And the more you read and write the better at writing you’ll become. Plus, you get to enjoy the whole experience.

Honestly, I feel like most of us writers have some amount of anxiety about our writing and we’re constantly comparing ourselves to those above us. To those who have been writing for many many more years than us. But we can’t expect the impossible of ourselves, that we should be great writers right from the very first word we write. Because the writers we look up to, the ones we compare ourselves to, they started exactly where we started, from nothing besides the language we use to speak and write. They had to learn the craft, the art of story-telling and the tricks of editing their own work. They had to find editors and beta readers. They did it, so we can too.

Being an amateur isn’t bad, it means you’re learning and people can’t fault you for not knowing everything right away.

Now, this is just my first post back, there will be plenty more to make up for the time we lost, I promise. Lote of love! Happy reading and writing! Until next time.

CelineRose Marie

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