Hello lovelies!

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in my writing and reading life. Hope you enjoy your stay!

Updates/New Projects

Well good morning all,

Just a very short note on things coming up.

So yes today is a writing update and I hope to be sending out another newsletter about some of these changes as well. I have a couple of series planned that will be coming out likely sporadically and in them I’ll share some of my own experiences and how to beat some of the stigma about what writers actually do and how a writer can work on making themselves from scratch. Remember, you don’t have to follow what anyone says about what or who a writer should be and what they should do.

The series will be

  • How Do you Write A Book? and

  • How To Be A Writer

These series will be all about making it as a writer for yourself and carving your own path without needing to listen to anyone. These will be helpful series with their own tips for making it in this world when you have a dream so big it feels unachievable. They will also be quirky and fun and real and not to mention inspiring those who think they have to be a certain way to follow this dream. trust me, you don’t. So stop listening to what everyone else is saying and start thinking about what you want to say.

If the words are coming to you then that’s all you need. You can always figure out the rest of it later. If you’re a beginner, I highly suggest you return. I want to inspire the next generation and teach them how to believe in themselves and help stop them from making some of the same mistakes I made.

I hope to see you there! It’s sure to be a blast! Lots of love! See you very soon!

Celine Rose Marie

How Do You Write A Book? Step 1: Start With An Idea

How Do You Write A Book? Step 1: Start With An Idea

Am I A Terrible Writer?