Hello lovelies!

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in my writing and reading life. Hope you enjoy your stay!

Writing A Book

Good Afternoon Lovelies,

Sometimes finishing a manuscript is easy, but sometimes, even though it needs to be written, it just refuses to come, like a clogged drain. There are things you can do to try and help the process along and try to open those flood gates and release the creation behind, but other times, there is no helping it.

I have been there and it feels like it takes forever (which it kinda does), but once you finish it, as long as you didn’t give up, then the hardest part it over. You finished the first draft, congratulations! I and writers like me, applaud you. You did it! We all have to finish our first manuscript (no matter how tough it might be) to get the rest to come out.

Remember writing isn’t easy, but whether you have a reader now or in the future, you will have one so write like the wind and think of that reader you are beginning to inspire.

And something that may make you feel better, the first manuscript I finished had huge, gaping plot holes everywhere. It was such a complicated piece that I was not ready to write and even now after years of it sitting and me finishing other manuscripts, I am still not ready to get back to my first to fix what is wrong with it.

Sometimes, if it is as bad as you think it is, then maybe you aren’t ready for it yet, just give it time.

Celine Rose Marie

Truly Creative

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