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Truly Creative

Good Evening Amazing People,

Something doesn’t have to be truly original to be truly creative. If we try it that way then nothing new would ever be created again. Because the best creations came from something else’s idea or partial idea. We create best when we have help when someone else’s spoken words or actions give us an idea. The idea is not original if it didn’t come for us right? Wrong. It is original if you add something new and different to it.

That is why there are genres and sub-genres. These are groupings of the same general idea that people took in different directions with different characters with different personalities. If one small change to a character’s personality then that character is already completely different than any other. Perhaps Bella Swan from Stephanie Meyer’s, The Twilight Saga, dislikes being alone versus enjoying being alone or not minding it.

This detail alone being changed then makes her a different Bella Swan, or perhaps not Bella Swan at all. Perhaps she would then be Bella Dawn a character from a different series where similar things happen, but the characters and events have slight changes. If this new book series would interest you in a different way then The Twilight Saga books did, then it is a completely different idea and novel with completely different concepts. And so it would stand alone, apart from The Twilight Saga and be a completely different story and adventure.

Celine Rose Marie

Writing Prompt Here: First One

Writing A Book