Hello lovelies!

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in my writing and reading life. Hope you enjoy your stay!

Writing is Hard

Good Evening Amazing People,

Writing is very difficult and as a writer, you spend your whole life practising and perfecting, but writing is an art, it cannot be perfected. With each new idea and story you begin writing, you have to relearn most of what you learned the last time you wrote. But what is more difficult is finding jobs as a writer, freelance or otherwise. Most of these jobs, whether they are blog posting, editing, or ghostwriting require Bachelor-level degrees and more experience than most young writers have starting out.

These people are looking for writers who have published books already or have been writing for twenty plus years. They ask so much of us because they want something to be perfect, but they are asking for the impossible. Even writers who have published their novels and worked with professional editors do not have perfect manuscripts. You can still find grammar errors or spelling flaws.

Nothing is ever going to be perfect, but it can be done well and most people, if they try, can easily do something well. Writing is hard enough without being told you aren’t good enough. And we do understand that we have to take some of that, we do, and we do take it, but we can only handle so much. We are only human, just like you.

Celine Rose Marie

Surprise Writing!

Day-To-Day Writing