Hello lovelies!

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in my writing and reading life. Hope you enjoy your stay!

The Reality Of Being A Writer: It's Not Easy, By Any Means

The Reality Of Being A Writer: It's Not Easy, By Any Means

Good afternoon beautiful people,

Writing is not easy. I’m sorry if this is difficult for beginners to hear, but it’s true. Creating something from nothing is hard, but trying to perfect it and make it good enough to sell or for others to read is next to impossible and it feels impossible sometimes. But there are also times when it feels like the only possible thing in the world.

So if you’re going to write, do not do it for the money because you may be very sorely disappointed when you can’t make any or enough to live off of. So if you’re going to write, then do it for you because if you enjoy it and cannot imagine your life without it then you’ll never stop no matter what.

You may not become a bestseller or get a movie deal, but those who read your writing and love it will always remember you. And that is thanks enough.

Writing is tough, especially when it comes to inspiration and writer’s block. Sadly, you cannot count on the stereotype of the crazy or crazed writer who is always inspired and it just happens all the time. This may happen a lot in the beginning. It did for me. I always felt inspired. But the older you get and the more you write, the less inspiration strikes, forcing you to write. So you have to be there to force yourself to keep going even when there isn’t any inspiration. Inspiration is a writer’s fantasy and quite often it doesn’t come true.

Myself for example, the last time I actually had inspiration strike was months ago when I came up with my newest idea and I wanted to plan it out and start writing. But I also have a life and responsibilities so even when inspiration does strike, I may not even get the chance to act on it. So don’t rely on inspiration because then you’ll never write or you’ll never finish writing. Inspiration usually strikes for the forming of an idea, but does not stay through the execution of the idea. So don’t count on it. Real writers write when there isn’t any inspiration. They write because they never want to stop so they keep going despite all the difficulties.

Writing may not always feel fun, it may feel like work at times, especially if you have goals you want to reach. But you made those goals for a reason. You wanted to accomplish something. You may also change your mind. You might end up finding something fun, something you didn’t used to like about the writing process. I used to hate editing, dreaded it. But now it’s only of my favourite parts. I love seeing my writing transform from something barely readable to something beautiful and interesting and fun to read.

Even after you get published or self-publish, people may not like your writing no matter how good it is or how much time you spent on it, revising it, polishing it. You can’t please everyone and sometimes they are mean about it. And sometimes the comments hurt.

Writing is very hard. But I couldn’t imagine doing anything else. I love writing, all the fun parts and all the hard parts.

Sorry for the wake-up call beginners, but it’s better you know what you’re in for before you get your heart broken over it. To me all the bad stuff and hard stuff about writing is all worth it because I love ideas and words and stories and I don’t care how many people hate my writing. I am proud that I was able to do it. I’m proud of what I’m able to accomplish. And writing is important to me. I don’t feel like myself if I don’t write. It’s such a big part of my life and I enjoy it.

Thank you so much for popping in. It was great having you here. I hope this helps make up your mind about writing one way or the other. Whether it is for you or not. But I promise you, if you do decide writing is for you and nothing can stop you, then you’ll be just fine and you’ll love it as much as I do. And nothing will get you down becasue you’ll do it whether anyone sees you or not. Happy reading and writing all! Until next time.

Celine Rose Marie

May TBR 2023

May TBR 2023

Getting Back In The Groove | Back In The Editing Cave

Getting Back In The Groove | Back In The Editing Cave