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Writing For Beginners: Your First Book

Good Afternoon Amazing People,

  1. The first thing to know and to remember. It is not going to be perfect and is probably not going to be your best seller, but it does matter. Your first book is the most important one you will ever write because it got you writing. It made you a writer whether it gets published or not.

  2. Don’t start writing because you think it will be easier than doing something else because believe me, it isn’t. You are choosing one of the most difficult careers ever and you are in for a world of work with little appreciation and pay.

  3. Don’t begin writing because you want to get paid to write. Begin writing because you enjoy it, you love it and you want to write.

  4. Don’t always wait for inspiration to strike. Create your writer’s schedule now and stick to it. If you begin that good habit now, then it will be easier when inspiration decides not to show up for work one day.

  5. Don’t let criticism or ugly comments get you down. Because you aren’t writing for that person’s approval. You are writing for your own approval and because you love doing it.

  6. Write about what you care about, what you find passion in, or something you obsess over. The more feelings you have towards whatever idea you choose to write about, the easier the words will flow and the better your turn out will be once you finish your manuscript and begin editing.

  7. Don’t worry about learning all the writer lingo. Even I don’t know all of it and I’m doing just fine.

  8. Always self edit before you show anyone your manuscript. You will receive far better feedback this way and you will feel much better about yourself and your work.

    Celine Rose Marie

Always Edit Because Your First Draft Is Trash

The Marathon Of The Middle