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Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in my writing and reading life. Hope you enjoy your stay!

Writing Prompt: Poetry

Good Morning Good People,

Here is a challenge that I give all of you today: use the piece you are already working on (if it is not a poem, if it is then you can try to do this, but it may be more difficult because you would have to rewrite the poem and do it differently). Your goal is to take a paragraph or a page or even the entire piece if you’d like, and write it instead as a poem.

This may be tricky with dialogue, but if you’d prefer you can just skip over the dialogue and have people read in between the lines where the dialogue should be. Reaching the emotional depth needed is the easy part with poetry because if there are words missing, it forces you to pay closer attention to what is not being said.

And here is my attempt with the last book in my series, please be kind, I am challenged by this same as you are. Okay, here goes:

The eyes dark and brooding

ever watching from the shadows

the face masked and unseen

my shivering fades and I close my eyes

my love returning to me

no fear only love

The sound tears through the air

ripping me from myself

a hand plunging

death’s toll

tears begin but not of relief

for a friend found now lost

Warmth around me

violence fades

darkness descends

and love is forgotten,

fear grips me

and sadness pours in

the danger is within

Well, there you have it. I hope it wasn’t too bad. It was from a scene in my book. Can you guess what happened in it? Did I give enough clues? I guess we will see. And remember not to stress while trying this challenge, it is meant to be fun and entertaining, as well as a chance to learn something about yourself and your writing. Happy writing!

Rose Marie

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