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Reading Your Writing Before You Write

Good Morning Gorgeous People,

And why it might be better than just writing. George Saunders in this video talks about some tricks to the writing process that he finds work well and that he uses or other writers use. He always begins a day before writing by reading his previous day’s work.

I think this is a good thing to make a habit of because it allows you some distance from the previous day’s work and helps you spot perhaps recurring mistakes or habits that you otherwise would not catch yourself doing.

This would help stop and bad habits from continuing or even from fully forming. Reading your own writing as a writer is important because you need to know for yourself how your writing is different from any other writer’s or author’s writing.

Also, reading your previous day’s writing before you continue on with the project could be helpful in keeping you up to pace with what you have been doing with the project you’ve been working on. This way you won’t fall behind or become confused as to where you are in the plot because you will know exactly what you have written the day before and exactly where you were wanting to take the rest of the scene/chapter or even the whole book.

I have begun doing this little ritual before I continue writing the piece I’ve been working on and I find it extraordinarily useful. It keeps me from getting lost and keeps me up with the events that happened, the ones I wrote the previous day. It helps inspire me to continue, to push things further with my writing and my piece.

I would definitely recommend other writers to do this in their daily schedule. It, for sure, would work to their advantage. Happy writing!

Rose Marie

Stories Within Stories

The Writing Process