Hello lovelies!

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in my writing and reading life. Hope you enjoy your stay!

NaNoWriMo 2020 Goals

Good morning beautiful people,

If you read my earlier post then you likely know that my main goal for Nano 2020, like everyone else’s, is to write 50K words in 30 days. But I have a few other goals that I hope I will be able to reach in addition to the 50K goal. My goals for 2020 NaNo are, in order,:

  1. Finish the 50K word goal

  2. Reach the halfway mark in both Bk 2 and Bk 2B

  3. Reach 75K word goal (personal word goal in case I overachieve but have story still left to write)

  4. Finish both Bk 2 and Bk 2B

  5. Then my hope is that I will for sure make time to come and chat with you guys on here at least once a week and create a new post to share any of my struggles or my aha moments with you guys. Because seeing you guys is important to me too, not just my writing goals.

And about the whole Bk 2 and BK 2B, please don’t ask it is such a long story that I might create another post for someday and tell you guys about, but yes there are two books and they need to be written side by side so I can be sure all the details are the same for the necessary overlaps in both books.

Yes, lots of writing goals to get through this month, and they are big ones. But we’ll see what I can do, I’m not too worried, and I’m certainly not even expecting to be able to reach all of them, that would be a miracle to me. I would honestly be so proud of myself, but I will be proud no matter what I accomplish even if I only a get halfway there at least I was able to do some writing and that’s what’s important to me. I love writing and I could never stop, but what’s the point in continuing if I have no goals to strive towards right? So these are mine.

Please leave a comment, tell me anything your currently struggling with regarding Preptober or NaNoWriMo so close or the goals you’ve set for yourself this NaNo. I’d love to hear what you are all oing through, maybe it would make me feel better about the goals I am recklessly aiming for even though they seem so far out of reach.

Always believe in yourseves! Have a great day wonderful, beautiful, amazing people and remember, keep up the good work, keep writing, it’ll always be worth it even without a paycheck attached. Happy writing!

November 1st Happy NaNo!!!

NaNoWriMo 2020