Hello lovelies!

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in my writing and reading life. Hope you enjoy your stay!

November 2nd NaNo Day 2

Good morning writers and readers,

Are you ready for NaNo? Did you get all your prep done during Preptober? I for one did not, I actually did get some more planning done last night before I went to bed so I have a sturdier outline for more of the novel I’m writing so that will help prevent me from getting stuck during this challenge which will really help me out a lot.

I have already planned out my word counts for each daay this whole month so at least I won’t have to worry about what goals I need to reach. I did set myself a little high that way I will for sure reach the 50k word count goal for this month, but I also (because of this) gave myself a small headstart before NaNo officially began. So I am a NaNo rebel this year, I was not starting straight from scratch and I am not following all the rules for starting from a blank page or with only a basic outline or with only a single idea in my mind about what I’m going to write about this month. This idea has been in the works for some time already.

I have a lot of goals (as you may have seen in an earlier blog post) but I am excited to write this month to writeee as much as I can and to get a lot of work done. I wish you all luck with your NaNo projects and with you word counts. I believve in you, you will get there, it will sometimes take patience and a lot of forgiving yourself and maybe even a few much-needed breaks, but you will get there.

And maybe some of the readers are deciding to do a November readathon, how many books do you have on your TBR (To Be Read) for this month that you will try to finish? I personally will only be trrying to finish reading 2 books I am currently reading now that I really need to finish. I’ve been reading them for quite a while, but have never had much time to really get into them, a few pages here and there is all I have managed so far, but hopefull I’ll be able to read those this month too.

Now get to writing and I will too! Happy writing! And Happy reading! I’ll check in with you guys later.

November 2nd Update

November 1st Update!