Good morning gorgeous people,
Yes, as you may have guessed, it is not, in fact, November 2nd anymore, but I had to stop writing yesterday. I didn’t have the energy. After the first 3 hours of my day, I really wasn’t feeling well. I am feeling better now so I am hoping to get lots of work done today. I was able to get some words in yesterday, but not as much as I had hoped. I got in 1,720 words yesterday and that was before my crash so at least that’s something. My goal had been to write 2,500, but I did give myself some leeway in case this happened or in case I got too busy with school to get any writing done. As of today, I’m busy with school and with writing because I do at least want to aim for 1,000 words today if I can’t make the 2,000 or 2,500 wordmarks I’ve already set for my everyday word count.
Well, I hope you all got lots of work done. And I’m still proud of myself for getting something done. Progress is still progress no matter how little you make.