Hello lovelies!

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in my writing and reading life. Hope you enjoy your stay!

Having Difficulty Finding Inspiration?

Good morning all you amazing people,

Here’s a writing prompt to help those creative juices begin flowing again. Don’t start something new, take whatever piece you are struggling with and look it over. You know this piece better than anyone else does so use that knowledge, but don’t get stuck with it. You know your characters, their details, the setting details. Don’t forget these, but don’t get bogged down by them.

For this experiment, you can either choose a scene, chapter or the entire thing if you think it will help stir up your objectivity in the piece. First, begin by thinking about how things could be different in this certain world you have begun creating. Now, let things simmer for a bit in your mind and begin generating new and exciting ideas for how things could be changed, perhaps not for the better, but just for the fact of making then different then they are currently.

Next, grab a piece of paper or a notebook and jot down these ideas and when one sticks (if one doesn’t then just choose an easy one) run with it, use your outline, your characters, the details to enhance this idea and create a reimagined version of the world you have created. Continue writing until no more ideas come to you and read over what you have written while thinking about the original version of your world. Then inspiration from the reimagined version should encourage you to continue on your journey with the world you are choosing to create.

I hope that some of you find this method useful, I know I did and it helped me to think more objectively about my piece, sometimes finding a more objective view of the world you are creating is the way to escape all the worry and pressure of the world. Sometimes all you need is to forget everything around you and forget what the world might expect from you and your writing, what your chosen idea might expect from you and just write what comes to your mind. Crating is difficult, no one has ever denied that there is a lot of pressure in creating, in not being good enough, but that’s not what being a writer is about. Being a writer is not creating some perfect masterpiece that everyone in the world will love, it’s about telling a story that needs to be told no matter who chooses to listen to it.

Not everyone is going to love every book they read, J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter, for instance, many schools banned the book form libraries because they feared it before they even opened to cover, Stephen King is a fantastic writer who knows how to move you and to captivate you, but even he does not have everyone’s support. At some point, you just need to stop worrying about what other people will think or who will hate what you write or how you tell the story and just write. Because if you don’t write it then the people who would enjoy your writing, the people you are writing for, will never get the chance to enjoy the story you had to tell.

Have a good day everyone and don’t forget, no matter what you’re struggling with, you’re not the only one struggling, let’s stick together and hold each other up, we’re all important, we’re all worthy and we all have a story that no one else can tell buried within us.

Rose Marie

Struggling To Write?

COVID-19 Boredom? Solved. Write!