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I Need To Talk: Killing Off Characters

Good Morning Beautiful Writers and Readers,

As the title suggests, yes I’m just about to kill off a character. He’s great, everybody loves him, but he has to die and it makes me sad. I need to talk about it before I can write about it. I’m scared. I think I might cry and that makes me sad. I knew this was coming, I could see it coming. I’ve known since the end of chapter 1 that he needed to die, that he would die before the end of the book, but now I actually have to write about it, and it’s breaking my heart just a little.

He’s an amazing and diverse character. He is caring and brave and strong, but I knew when he made his vow to the princess that it would cost him his life. I feel like this is the end of something and I am a little scared. I know he’d just a character and I know that he still lives in the beginning part of the book, but there’s something sad about the fact that his part in the story is now coming to an end.

I’ve grown very close to this side character, he became one of my favourites. I actually like him more than the main character, but he has a spectacular role in this that can not be ignored. So, I have to write his death as I know it moves the other characters, those who are closest to him and trust him. His death will drive the rest of the plot forward and allow me to quickly reach the end.

How do you guys write death scenes? Is there a way you prepare for it if you love this character? Do you just power through and cry all over the page or your keyboard? Do you let yourself feel all the emotions because of how strong they are, but still you are unable to stop writing so you surge through it?

Writing the death of a favourite character is difficult you guys, I would not recommend it unless, of course, it makes for the best book and strengthens your connecting characters. Thank you all for listening to me ramble a bit about a significant experience I’m going through today with my characters. You are all amazing writers and I believe in you!


Yup, He'd Dead

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