Hello lovelies!

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in my writing and reading life. Hope you enjoy your stay!

Good morning lovelies,

Imagine me with a big smile on my face as I say that. It’s been nice getting into a sort of routine with posting here. I now look forward to posting and chatting with you guys. It makes me wish I had time to post here every day. But as it appears, I now have less time to post here as I picked up an extra day shift this week and every week for the next month so I’m working 6 days a week for the next 4 weeks or so. So I’ll just make this short and sweet.

I have many current projects I’m working on (or trying to find time to work on) but there is one I have been focusing on more than the rest. I recently began dabbling in mystery novels and mystery elements added in as a subplot or sub-genre. I did some research and it excited me. I’ve begun reading more of them and I’m completely taken with the idea.

So my immediate project is my series of connected mystery novels. They are connected by the amateur sleuth, turned private investigator and his journey through the first mystery and finding what he really wants to do with his life and continuing it and helping people. He’s also a bit of a tortured soul who has his own issues he’s trying to work through (or simply survive). As I’ve always loved this trope.

So far I have plans for nearly twenty books five or which are already outlined (per my recent change in my writing process) and that excited me so much that I decided it was time to fill in some of the necessary blanks and begin drafting BK 1. I’m currently on ch. 6 of the rough draft and it’s the cleanest draft I’ve ever written as I’ve been able to edit as I go because I can stop writing because I know where the story is going next. Which is nice.

I’m already excited to go back and edit this draft in about a month’s time (or month and a half because of my now busy February) because I don’t think it will take me long to finish this draft because I started with a plan.

So that is what I’m working on and progress has been incredible so far. I’ve been working on the rough draft for two weeks (while working and other life things have also been happening) and I’m already finished the first five chapters. I’m very proud of myself for growing as a writer and for allowing the process to happen. For allowing for change and not struggling against it. I’m not becoming more productive and writing my drafts quicker because they don’t contain as much of the struggle. Though there is always the struggle of getting my ass into the chair. But every writer struggles with that.

Anyway, that’s it guys, that’s my newest project, my current WIP. Thank you so much for joining me here today! We hope to see you again. I miss you guys every time I leave, but I’ve got other things to do too. I’ll miss you! Please tell me about your writing process or your work in progress or the idea you just got that is beginning to take flight inside your mind. I would so love to hear from you! Have a great rest of your day and week! Lots of love. Happy reading and writing gorgeous people. Remember, you are amazing. Until next time.

Celine Rose Marie

Writing For Beginners: One Is (Should) Never Be Enough

What Do I Read?