Gooood evening beautiful writers, readers,
I hope today has been a good writing/reading day for you. I myself have some exciting news. Currently, chapters 1 and 2 are through with self-edits and all in only 3 days, very exciting. I have also since finished reading a book and am on my way to finishing 2 more. It feels extremely encouraging when lots of progress is being made. Now I only wish every day could be this productive for me or every week. Sadly though I am not a full-time writer and I have to take my writing/reading workload in chunks, meaning the progress also comes in chunks.
But progress, no matter how little, is still progress and it is important to continue making progress even if it is writing a paragraph or editing a paragraph or a page. Just keep writing, just keep moving. You only stop progressing if you stop moving. So, my advice, don’t stop moving. Even if it just means doing something small.
So this week has been really great for me for the most part, though I hit a small snag yesterday where I was feeling very down about my writing and that whole part of my life. I was feeling that it shouldn’t be me doing this, but I turned to my community for support and they gave it, they’re always there for me when I need them just like I’m always there when another writer needs me.
So I didn’t make as much progress yesterday as I had wanted to, but I did expand my community as they reached out when they saw my post about it on social media. They understood better than anyone else what I was going through and how to help me, encouragement. It was what I needed most, to be told that I should be doing this because no one else can tell this story, my story like I can.
We all have good days and bad days, but the important thing to remember is, even if you struggle that day and maybe even the next day or few days, it doesn’t end there and it doesn’t have to. Yes, let those bad days happen because they’ll make you stronger and when you do get back to writing again you’ll be harder to tear down the next time imposter syndrome comes knocking and it’ll have its work cut out for it if it wants to pull you down again.
Trust your writing and when you can’t, then turn to people who can or people who can change your mind. I love writing, even when it’s hard, even with all the struggles that come with it, ie. imposter syndrome. And honestly, I wouldn’t change it. If I didn’t struggle through this I wouldn’t be the writer I am today and I wouldn’t push too hard to keep writing, to keep doing what I love. And I especially wouldn’t push too hard to be valued in this community and I wouldn’t push myself nearly as hard to get my work out there where the world can see it. Where I can show those willing to read, what I’ve got to share.
Thank you for sharing this week with me and this experience with me and thank you for being my safe place to share this experience. Maybe my experience can help someone else struggling with this issue. If you are struggling, trust me no matter how much it feels like you’re alone in this, you aren’t. Trust me, believe me, you aren’t. Every writer goes through this, many of us do all the time, but we learn to work and struggle through it, coming out the other side each time stronger than before and ready to take on the world.
You can do it too. We believe in you. Feel free to comment below. I would so love to have you in the comments and to chat with you. I want to know you just like you’re getting to know me. I want to be part of your journey if you’ll have me. Have a great day everyone. Lots of love.
Celine Rose Marie