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The "High" of Finishing Writing (Just Finish It, You'll Feel Better)

Gooooooood Afternoon Beautiful people,

Yes, this is no illusion made by some fantastical story writer with some fantastical magic system, this is truly me here again this week. I know, I’m surprised too. I actually was able to make things work with doming back to chat with you guys this week, even with a lot more hours put in at work. I’m happy though, I’m glad I can make time in my week to see you and have a chat about something writing.

Alright, the topic today is about that certain writer’s “high” you get form finishing something, whether it be a book, a poem, short story or piece of flash fiction. They all make you feel great for having finished something especially if you haven’t finished anything in a while or had to take a wee break from your writing.

I want to talk about this because, as you know, I had recently been on a temporary writing break because of school and work overload, but not that I’m back at it I was feeling a bit slumped returning to editing BK one of my Speak No Evil series. But after deciding it would be better to begin with something smaller, I started writing a short story, which if I’m being totally honest here was also not going super well. I was getting super discouraged because I had worked on it for hours and still not finished it. I felt lost, like the story wasn’t communicating with me and I didn’t know what to do or where the story was going.

I took a small breather and decided to sit back and relax, letting my mind wander just a bit. Then I got a great idea of a flash fiction and I hurried to my computer and wrote the words down. They felt wondering, like they were flowing out of me like a river and I could not have done anything to stop them. Then it was finished, suddenly it was done and I could not stop smiling. I had finished something and it felt better than I could have imagined.

What this taught me was that no matter how many things you have finished, it always feels amazing to finish another one. After that the slump felt over so I moved back to my short story and as soon as I reread the last thing I wrote I got a spark, a tiny idea and I started typing. Then I didn’t stop typing until the story was done, the end finding itself as I typed. It was an amazing feeling. I felt on top of the world, like I could jump into the air and just start flying. It was encouraging and freeing, it felt like me. Like I was finally free to be me, the block was gone, the one holding me back had been torn away and I could do what I wanted and I was free to believe in myself.

So, if you feel stuck in a loop or being unable to progress. Try taking a step back and trying something easier, something less overwhelming and once you finish that you’ll get back to that full-length novel and keep on writing like you never stopped.

I believe in you, you need to too. Well, that’s it for me today guys, sorry, but I was so excited to discuss this topic and I hope to be doing another “write with me” post where I write a short story or poem to share with you guys and give you prompts so you can write one too.

Please comment below if you have had a similar experience to mine or if you’re having a difficult time writing and this post helped to inspire you to get back to work. Sometimes as writers we forget that we also need a break, even if we love what we do. Even if just to gain some perspective. Sometimes a breather is just what you need to get back into the swing of things. By guys, I’ll miss you, see you next week, pinky promise. ;) Lots of love,

Celine Rose Marie

Progress Constant Progress / Struggles With Imposter Syndrome (Copy)

Lovely Day For Some Writing