Hello lovelies!

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in my writing and reading life. Hope you enjoy your stay!

Finding Time To Write

Good Morning Beauties,

First off, I missed you all, so damn much! Now, I’ve decided to spice up the blog a bit and add a section for beginner writers and this is just the beginning. I plan on adding a few things to the blog to make things more interesting and to hopefully drive in more traffic.

Sadly, beginners, I'd say this is the easiest part about writing. Because once you find time to write, there’s no guarantee that everything else will be smooth sailing. Though, this can be tricky, especially if you’re just starting out and have a busy lifestyle with a lot of responsibilities and engagements on your time.

But not to worry, I can help you there. I have struggled with this myself in the past and even recently, especially when it comes to also keeping up my author presence on many platforms. Sadly, sometimes the blog suffers for it as I am very busy and do still have a full-time job. But that’s okay, believe me, you will struggle with this part of the progress until you’re a full-time author or freelancer. There just is no way around it I’m afraid.

To find time to write when you don’t have any time means shifting something else. Do you binge a lot of TV? Do you play hours of video games? Do you spend most of your time reading? I understand that most people (including me) would love to keep doing all those things and take our writing time out of something else in our lives, like work or chores or errands, sadly those things all need to remain in place in our lives.

When you are super busy all the time, your writing time needs to be carved out and take the spot of something else in your life, something that is not necessary. If writing is important enough to you, this is an easy decision to make. Because even though you want to do that other thing, video games, reading etc. you want to write more so it needs to take residence, especially if you’re wanting to one day become a full-time author. The time needs to come from somewhere.

So sometimes, though we may dislike it, finding time to write means sacrificing time in doing something else we enjoy doing, that is a sacrifice most of us are more than willing to make because of how much we love to write and explore. Me, honestly, I’ve tried not writing and I was miserable for those few months. I didn’t have time to write because I had work and school and still needed to run errands and take care of my pets and clean the house etc. It was a lot and it sucked, but now I don’t compromise my writing time for anything. I always make sure I get to do some writing.

I hope this helped guys, don’t worry, you’ll get the hang of it. You’ll reorganize your priorities if writing becomes more or less important.

Thank you for dropping by today, it means a lot to me, I missed you guys so much! I’ll see you soon! Keep writing, you’re doing great! Happy reading a writing. Let me know if this helped, if something in this isn’t working for you or if you just wanna chat, I would love to hear from you. Bye guys.

Celine Rose Marie

No Floating Characters

How Do You Start Writing A Novel?