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How Do You Start Writing A Novel?

Good afternoon beauties,

Yes, I’m back again already! You’re welcome. I’m excited to keep this beginner guide going. It’s inspiring to help encourage younger or newer writers to keep at it and how to go about beginning to be a writer. I did finish my short story I was working on and I plan on diving right into some editing of BK 1 which I am planning to come out sometime next year if all goes well.

Without any more ado, I want to begin by saying something that is probably pretty obvious but sounds stupid considering the title or this and the question you’re asking yourself as a beginning writer reading this post. How do you start writing a novel? The easiest answer is … you just start. You have to start somewhere and the only way to find out where that starting point is is to begin writing. Most people tend to play around in the brainstorming pool for a bit before touching any of the drafting phase. But if you’re not sure where to start, just take your idea and run with it. Begin writing and you’ll eventually find out where the starting point is supposed to be.

You can only start writing a novel by starting to write it. Now you could begin in the brainstorming and then go into plotting if you’re a plotter or maybe you’re a plantser where you plot out very little and discover most of the story as you go along. Or you may not want to brainstorm beyond a bit of character backstory or where you want to begin the story then dive right into pantsing your first draft. Any of these is fine if that’s how you write and feel free to play around with that as well. You never know if your process will change.

In fact, I’ve heard of many writers who started out as pantsers only to find out later they actually enjoy a more plotter side of the beginning of the process and that gets them excited to write.

Another thing you want to be sure you’re hyped for writing this idea, beginning a novel will not feel as exciting or be as easy to begin if you arent’ excited or thrilled about writing the idea you have. So make it a really good one for your first go.

And don’t worry if it’s not perfect or even good. It’s just a first draft and also remember, it’s just your first book. I still remember finishing my first book. It felt great, so amazing. I even started editing it. But the first person I showed it to, he confessed to me that it had at least one plot hole but this plot hole began at the very beginning of the book and was literally woven throughout the entire thing. I was disappointed but still proud of myself for finishing anything. So it’s clear that I have decided not to publish that one, I didn’t even published the second or third or fourth books I’ve written. But at nearly number 10 I think I’ve found a book worthy, with enough of good stuff to be worth fixing all the bad in it. A book that, to me, is fixable and will be able to make something great and worth reading.

So beginners, don’t get discouraged, it’s just a first draft, it’s just your first book. Pick yourself up and keep going because it’ll get better, I promise it will. But the only way to get better is to keep going. So keep writing and keep making awful drafts and awful books and one day you’ll realize you began making something a little less awful than all the others. And it’s because you never stopped.

Okay guys, it was great chatting with you! I missed you all so much and I’m so excited to be spending more time on here. I love being here and writing and talking about writing. Yes, I”m aware I ramble just a bit, it’s because I’m passionate. Thank you for being here. Keep me updated! What are you all up to? Leave me comments below I’ll be so happy to hear from you. Let me know if this was helpful or encouraging. Lots of love!

Celine Rose Marie

Finding Time To Write

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