Good morning guys,
I know this is late. I’m starting to slip but I have a very good reason. I pulled a double yesterday and got home very late. And I was so exhausted from work that I went to bed as soon as I got home, interacting with my partner only a little. Work has been very demanding and I’m very sore. But I’m here now, better late than never right? And I’m happy to be here, tired, battling with exhaustion and more sore than I can say, but this is what I want.
So, for today’s topic I wanted to discuss something I’m sure all of us writers worry about if the police or FBI or CIA ever come calling. What about my search history? I’m sure we’ve all researched some odd things and also some possibly incriminating things. Well, I’m just the same. Today I’ll talk about some of the things in my search history (and things that I cannot well delete in case I may need them again).
How burning alive feels
the best way to kill someone
types of weapons
different types of knives
best ways to hide a body
best places to hide a body/ bury/dispose
baby names
weirdest ways people have died/been killed
how to make truffles
what it’s like to drown
how to cremate a body
how long does it take to cremate a body
Yes, sketchy. The burning alive was for a short story on a woman being burned alive because they thought she was a witch, focusing on what it felt like as it was from her perspective. The drowning was also for a short story that is supposed to goo in a collection along with the one about being burned alive.
I was trying to get ideas on how to kill someone but get away with it. So I did put my own twist on the murder I was writing about. Turned out pretty good actually and I had planned for the character to get away with the crime because we were to root for her, she was to be in the right. And again, I needed to know the best ways people have hide bodies so I could keep my character from getting caught. She had to do everything right. Cremating a body was also for this story. I was experimenting ways she would or might dispose of the bodies to prevent her being caught.
The weapons seems to be self-explanatory. I also write fantasy and so I need to know different types of weapons and how they harm and how they are used. Baby names is a thing I think all writers have in common. With all the creative energy we spend in creating a new world, there isn’t always any extra to create the names so we need ideas.
I was looking for ideas of weird ways to kill off characters to make it interesting or weird or eccentric. Or finding ways to kill them that would put a greater strain on the other characters still living within the novel.
The truffle recipe was for a romance short story I was writing about a woman who own a confection shop. Also a valentine’s Day story where she was making truffles because they were her best sellers on that day of the year so I needed it to be authentic.
So there you have it. I’ve exposed some of the secrets hidden within my search history. I hope you enjoyed my spill of secrets. I sure enjoyed reminiscing about them. It was interesting going back and seeing and thinking over what those searches were for. this was fun. I’m sure I’ll make a series of it and do this again soon.
I think it’s safe to say that if the police come calling and want to search my history then I’ll have some explaining to do. Thank you so much for joining me here today and so sorry again for not posting last night. It just was not feasible at all. But I’m so glad I could make it here today!
Please comment below what you thought of some of my searches, or if you’ve searched these same topics or something weird that you’ve researched, maybe something weirder than what I have here. I would love to hear from you and interact with you, come join me over here! Okay guys, I do have to go unfortunately, but it was so great hanging out here with you. Lots of love! Until next time, bye.
Celine Rose Marie