Hey guys,
Just a quick heads up, I posted a new review on my Goodreads if you’re interested in which book I finished and what my rating and review were. I believe in reviews and how much they can help authors, especially Indie authors, especially for recently published books. So please, if you finish a recently published book by any author, but especially an indie author, please take a few minutes to rate it and say something nice or constructive. Also, be kind, this is their hard work they have been brave enough to put out there for you and others to read. It’s their baby, don’t call it ugly, especially without a justifiable reason behind the comment.
I gave this book a 4/5 stars.
Loved this book! Some of the stories didn't vibe with me, but some others are my absolute favourites. And all the stories were interesting, captivating with characters I enjoyed.
Yes, this anthology truly brings to light some of the horrors one can experience while away from the safety of home. Not all of us experience such extreme events or situations, but home truly is where we feel safe and it can be hard to leave it.
The stories are fun and quirky and the characters lovable and the people they meet are creepy and interesting, and the places are chilling and off-putting. Really enjoyable and each of the stories are short and sweet, not a word longer than necessary. Plus when you purchase this book for the low price of around $15 the profits go to charity so you're helping a good cause, which I believe is bringing books to those who cannot afford them. Do a good deed and buy a good book.
Thank you for tuning in or for even being interested in what I’m reading and what I thought about the content I read. Have a great day everyone! Lots of love!
Celine Rose Marie