Hello lovelies!

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in my writing and reading life. Hope you enjoy your stay!

The Burnout Is Real | Feelings | Failures | But It's Not Over!

Well hello lovelies,

Yes, as you an probably tell by the title, it’s official. I’m suffering from burnout and it comes from the extra shift I’ve been working every week lately. Plus life has not gotten much easier, I’ve just gotten better at managing the craziness. I wanted to get words in today, but honestly at this point I cannot think of anything I’d want to do less. So instead, I will settle for a sentence or paragraph or just a new idea.

It feels very discouraging, I know it does, yes even for me. This has happened to me many times and I know what it’s like. It’s like going through grief again and again. You go through the motions and you understand why what’s happening happens and the stages and how to get through it. But every time you experience it, it’s new and different. It feels different and it’s always just as crippling, even though you’ve been through it and know you’ll get through it again. That doesn’t make the process any easier.

But, I’ve got some good news, this isn’t the end, it’s not over. This is just the rough patch you have to get through to get to the “good part”. And you will get there. That’s what I keep telling myself hoping I’ll believe it (let’s be honest though, I don’t, even thoguh I know it’s true. This time feels different and new and scary). You’re not alone. I’m right here with you. I’ve got too much on my plate and my creativity is suffering for it.

Not to worry though, I’ve got a plan. I’m going to sit with my document open and stare at the page, either blank or the last paragraph of what I wrote with my notes in front of me and wait for something, anything to come. And that will just have to be enough, whether it’s a sentence, paragraph or an idea. However small, I will count it as progress and me doing my very best on a tough, day in my exhausted stare.

I hope you will join me in being gentle on yourself during this time. Trust me, the words will come, the ideas will flow, everything will be okay. And it’s okay if things aren’t okay right now.

Thank you so much for joining me tonight guys. I know this was a short one, but I’m running on fumes and will be for a while so please be kind, please be gentle on me and yourselves. I’ll see you again real soon and hopefully with a bit more stock pile of content for you guys with a bit more discussion.

Have a great rest of your night and week. I will miss you dearly. Lots of love! And happy reading and writing all you amazing people. Stay strong, your time is coming! Until next time.

Celine Rose Marie

We're In This Together | How's The Burnout? | Struggles Of A Part-time Writer

Reading Life Update Feb. | TBR | Genres | Indie Books!