Hello lovelies!

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in my writing and reading life. Hope you enjoy your stay!

Burnout Update | Actually Writing?! | Progress

Hey guys,

Yes I’m aware that I don’ usually upload a post today, but I was just too excited I could not wait to talk to you about it. So burnout has got me down lately, but I have amazing news and it makes me feel stronger than I’ve ever felt. It makes me feel like I can actually beat this burnout.

I wrote today! I wrote a lot today and it feels soooo good. I’ve missed spending time with my characters so much and I’ve wanted to spend time with them this whole week, but just didn’t have the energy or the drive to do it. But I have. Yay!

I sat down this morning not really wanting to write, but knowing that I should at least try. So, reluctantly I did and my story surrounding me, inviting me into the world and events my characters are struggles with and I sunk into it. I could not stop writing, the words just flew out of me like they haven’t for a while.

Then before I knew it I had passed 1,300 words in about an hour and I feel so good about that, especially after such a slump of very little words. The ideas were flowing and I couldn’t have stopped if I’d tried. It feels good to finally see a break in the burnout, a light at the end of the tunnel, an end to this madness.

If you haven’t hit your break yet don’t worry, it’s coming. I promise it’ll come. Sometimes you just have to wait it out, or force it out of you.

My advice go easy on yourself and try to sit down and write something. If the scene you’re working on seems too daunting or difficult or you feel stuck, then move onto another scene, another idea. Maybe instead plan another book or the next book in the series. Get your mind off the part you’re stuck on, but keep your mind on the story and with the character. Or come up with new ideas for the same story. Write a scene that won’t appear in your book and maybe that scene will reveal something you might need to know to keep writing the story.

I also made sure that if (on the off chance it did happen) I got into a flow of ideas and words that I had enough time to finish writing it all before I stopped. That I had enough to finish all the ideas without breaking in between. I didn’t want to stop the flow if it started.

Anyway, that’s my update guys. I hope you’re feeling better today as I am and more productive. If not then I hope your burnout ends soon or there’s a break in the dark clouds where you can fit some writing in. You can beat this burnout I know you can! We’ll do it together! Burnout doesn’t last forever.

Thank you for tuning in and for following my journey through this difficult time. It means a lot to me. Lots of love all you lovelies. Please comment below and tell me how you’re doing or if you’ve found inspiration from this post or any of my other posts. I would love to hear form you guys. Until next time, bye.

Celine Rose Marie

My Shiny New Idea | Cozy Mysteries

We're In This Together | How's The Burnout? | Struggles Of A Part-time Writer