Hello amazing people,
So, this may not come as a surprise, but this idea came a few weeks ago before my burnout and my six-day weeks began. But I’m finally getting around to talking about it. So if you’ve read my earlier post on my current obsession with mystery novels and writing my own mystery series then this will be a treat if you also enjoy cozies.
The newest addition to my shiny new idea-collection is the idea I got for a cozy mystery series. If you don’t know how a cozy differs from a regular mystery or murder mystery then I’ll explain. The main difference is that in a cozy all the violence happens off scene and is referenced to but isn’t actually shown within the pages.
So, onto my idea. So I love coffee shops and the idea of coffee houses. My idea was to do a cozy mystery series with the title The Coffee House Murders. The basic idea here is that a woman buys an abandoned coffee house from the bank (which had seized the property after its abandonment) and the journey begins. She unlocks the door and we have our first body. Suddenly she’d not just a barista or baker, she’s an amateur sleuth too!
This idea got me so excited so I began brainstorming title ideas beginning with book 1 and jotting down titles for subsequent books (though there’s no real plan for any of plots yet and so I have no idea in what order they will come). But that’s okay I’ve got a new idea I am so excited to get to once this mystery series has taken off.
Still, nothing published yet and no plans for publishing yet in the near future, but I’m thinking my mystery series will be my first books to get published. That way there’s a lot of books in the series for people to read should they want to continue on with it.
Anyway, this series idea got me really excited and I wanted to share that excitement with all of you! Plus I think we could use the pick-me-up during this bleak time of burnout we’re going through. I’m also going to congratulate myself on not faltering here on the blog again during this difficult time. I’m still finding things I want to talk about, my struggles and not only how I plan to o overcome them, but how I am overcoming them. Usually, by now I would have given this up because everything else was just too much. But I decided I wanted to keep this up too much to stop. Plus I’ve been getting more traffic lately which has also excited me.
Anyway, thank you so much for tuning in. I missed you guys. Yes, even though it’s only been a day since my last (unexpected) post. It means a lot that you stopped by. I hope you had a good time. I’m not finding I’m enjoying sitting down to write these letters to you guys more and more. It’s a place to show who I am as a writer where I don’ have to change or alter. I can just be completely writerly me.
Lots of love guys! Please comment below about anything you want to talk about and suggestions you have for future posts or anything you’d like to see from her on here. Thanks again. Until next time, bye.
Celine Rose Marie