Hello lovelies!

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in my writing and reading life. Hope you enjoy your stay!

May TBR | Indie Books | Reading

May TBR | Indie Books | Reading

Good morning lovelies,

As promised. This post is all about my May TBR this list is complete and includes all the books I’m planning on reading first and discludes all of those I have already finished. If there are any books you think I should add to my TBR or you think I might enjoy and should get please comment below. yes some of these are still on my TBR from last time I posted because I have yet to get to them and I’m hoping I will very soon.

The List:

As you can see there are several indie books in here and I plan on finishing those as soon as I can and putting up my reviews to pay it forward and hope it comes back around in the future. Yes, this list is quite long, but I am very ambitious and really hope to get to all of them this month, even if it is a stretch.

Thank you so much for being interested in my TBR and what my current reads are. I had a lot of fun pulling this post together. I always love talking about reading. Thank you so much for being here. Lots of love all! Kisses. Please tell me about your favourite books below. I’m always curious about what others think I should read and if there’s any stock in certain books. Until next time guys, bye for now.

Celine Rose Marie

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