There Are No Hard And Fast Rules | You're A Writer If You Write
Good morning beauties,
I hope you’re doing well and your day is going great. This post is important because it goes along with what I’m doing recently. I started a series of posts about how to be a writer and another series about how to write a book. This post is in stride with both of those series. In those series I talk about there being many ways to do things, to write, to edit, to be a writer, different types of writers, types of routines. No writer is the same as any other writer. Period.
There are no rules to being a writer so if you don’t want to listen to anyone’s advice then you don’t have to. And as much bad advice is out there, I would recommend not shutting yourself off to advice completely. Because another goal of most writers, is to grow and better your work. Advice helps with that and can sometimes save you time and energy. Which just means more time for your writing!
But, you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to. It’s all up to you.
You don’t have to let anyone tell you what to do or how to be a writer.
That’s why I started my series in the first place. They are a fun cooky way to explore what being a writer or writing a book looks like. Of course you don’t have to follow them, but a lot of those posts are just regular occurrences for writers. I have seen a lot of blogs online saying that this or that is the best way to write a book or be a writer. I wanted to join the conversation to tell you and show you that it doesn’t matter how you do it. If you’re doing it, then you’re doing it right.
Because if you think about it, there are only a handful of rules that actually apply to ever writer.
Writers write
Writers get ideas
Writers have writing friends
Writers procrastinate
Writers get imposter syndrome
Writers get blocked
Writers research
Writers learn/ get better
These rues are pretty basic and they are a regular occurrence for writers of all types, with all types of routines and processes. These occur with advance, intermediate and beginner writers.
So if you’re doing any of the above, I promise you’re doing fine. And we’re proud of you.
There is no wrong way to be a writer, no wrong way to write a book. Do it your way. Find the way that works best for you.
My series:
Thank you so much for stopping by. I hope this post helped you out or made you finally feel like a real writer. Or maybe gave you the courage to shut down those pieces of advice that feel like they’ve been destroying your writing lately. It’s okay not to take advice or to only take some of it. You don’t have to take everyone’s advice. If you did you’d never do anything. Because one person would tell you to go for it while another tells you to give up.
You’re doing great, I promise. Just keep going. Well, lots of love all! Happy reading and writing! Until next time.
Celine Rose Marie