June TBR | New Books
Hey all you lovelies,
So here is my TBR for June. If you saw my TBR for May you’ll notice this one has a lot of the same books as I didn’t get a chance to read them all, not even by half as my TBR is too big for that. You’ll also notice that while some books are missing (as I’ve finished them), it is still longer than it was for May’s TBR check in. This is because I recently bought a few new books and those looked so good they went straight to my current TBR. It looks really good though.
I’m not forgetting about the books still on there from May or from April, I promise and I am hoping to get to those first. But sometimes other books call to me first. But I usually zoom through them really quickly and some of these I have already started as I finished some of the major ones that were calling to me in May.
If all goes well and the way I want it to this month then I should be knocking quite a few books from this list to leave more room to add for July’s TBR.I am very excited about the newest additions to my collection though. I think they’ll find a very happy home here and I’m very excited to get to them.
Still On The List:
Odriel’s Heirs an by Hayley Reese Chow - indie
Korrigan by Rebecca F. Kennedy - indie
The Cyborg Tinkerer by Meg LaTorre
Darling, There Are Wolves In The Woods by L. V. Russel - indie
Taran Wanderer by
Sword of Destiny (The Witcher)
The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue by V. E. Shwab
The Woman In The Window by A. J. Finn
The Hidden Staircase Nancy Drew #2
Edge of The Breach by Halo Scott - indie
The False Prince by James Fuller - indie
New Additions:
Emerald Darkness by Sarra Cannon - indie
Shadows of Our Sins by N. Phillips - indie
Worlds Apart by Michael Lopez - indie
Story Thieves by James Riley - indie
The Last Prince by E. G. Radcliff - indie
Untouched by Jayme Bean - indie
Struggling With The Current by A.R.K. Horton - indie
Breaker by Amy Campbell - indie (free for Pride Month)
Well, that’s my June TBR. It’s a lot to tackle and there’s no way I’m ever going to get through all of it, but I have been reading more. So I’m hoping to knock off at least a few more. And if I don’t get to some of the other ones this time around it’s gonna be okay because I’m not buying anymore new books and so I’ll have plenty of time next month and no new books will be added from recent purchases.
Thanks for hanging out. I love doing these posts to keep my reading life up to date and to keep me accountable for reading some books that have been on my TBR pile for a while. As I feel slightly bad showcasing them here, but yet never getting around to reading them.
Thank you so much for joining me today. This was fun. This will be it for me though. what are you guys reading? What’s your favorite book so far this year? Are there any upcoming releases you’re really looking forward to? Lots of love! Happy reading and writing. Until next time guys, bye.
Celine Rose Marie