July TBR | Indie Books
Good afternoon everyone,
Yes, I realise I’m a tad late today, but I had a late night last night celebrating a birthday in the family and decided to sleep in this morning because I don’t work until later due to Canada Day and all. So I hope you’ll forgive me. But I am now well-rested and have my July TBR for you.
Now my TBR for this month is split into a smaller TBR and a much longer one. This is because there are books I have already begun reading, but didn’t get the chance to finish before the end of June and those are first up on my TBR for July and books I absolutely must finish this month. I think I only have three books in this category.
So, without any further ado, let’s get to the list:
Short list of must-reads:
Odriel’s Heirs by Hayley Reese Chow - indie
The Cyborg Tinkerer by Meg LaTorre
The False Prince by James Fuller - indie
Taran Wanderer by Lloyd Alexander
July’s TBR long-list:
Korrigan by Rebecca F. Kennedy - indie
Darling, There Are Wolves In The Woods by L. V. Russel - indie
The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue by V. E. Shwab
The Woman In The Window by A. J. Finn
The Hidden Staircase Nancy Drew #2
Edge of The Breach by Halo Scott - indie
Emerald Darkness by Sarra Cannon - indie
Shadows of Our Sins by N. Phillips - indie
Worlds Apart by Michael Lopez - indie
Story Thieves by James Riley - indie
The Last Prince by E. G. Radcliff - indie
Untouched by Jayme Bean - indie
Struggling With The Current by A.R.K. Horton - indie
Breaker by Amy Campbell - indie
Now, there you have it. All the books that I want o read before any others. A lot of these books came from June’s TBR, but there are a few missing. But June’s TBR was a long stretch of books that I knew I wasn’t going to finish in one month. But this list is my new list of all the books I want to finish first and I’ll be happy as long as they get finished before the end of the year.
Anyway, thank you for popping in to check out this list. And thank you for understanding about my tad bit of self-care after a hectic and fun night. It’s great to have you here! That will be it for me though, I will see you all very soon. Lots of love! Happy reading and writing! Until next time, bye.
Celine Rose Marie