Hello lovelies!

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in my writing and reading life. Hope you enjoy your stay!

Good morning beauties,

So, I’ve been thinking lately. And you know, all good ideas come when thinking about something else. Bow, I don’t have any interest boards for my projects or even my series. So this doesn’t leave me with much to post about regarding my projects and leaves me with no way to show off my projects and what they are about. I got the idea recently to begin an author interest account and begin putting together boards or even collages of aesthetics that catch my projects. I’m thinking at least one per project, but certainly multiple for a series.

Now, that being said, I’m not sure how into it anyone is. But I might do it just for me. I feel like I’m more excited about my projects when I think about how the interest boards or collages would look. And if I have those put together for each project, it might make me even more excited to work on that project and push through the difficult points. And I could have an aesthetic in mind for the project that I’m able to go back and look at to get me hyped for it and keep me on track with the feel and aesthetic of the project.

What do you all think? Good ideas? Bad one? Terrible one?

I’m still a bit on the fence, but I might do it just to make a point of getting more into the zone with each project and feel more connected to it when I work on it because who doesn’t need that right? Then I would have something to share with friends or possible fans to hype them up for when it’s finally finished. Even if it just ends up being for me.

Anyway, just something that’s been on my mind for a little while and wanted to share with you.

So… after some digging, I actually found that I’d already made one, so I’m just going to use it for this purpose and to further reach and connect with my audience. And to support and encourage my writing and my own interest in my projects. It’s settled then.

I will be adding it here once I have a couple of projects set up I think. So you guys can check it out. Well, this is exciting, for me anyway. Well, I hope to see you over there checking out the aesthetics for my projects. Now I’m getting more ideas, I might do aesthetic pages for my different moods and feels with writing. Hmmm, this sounds interesting and like it’ll end up taking up a lot of my time. But I’m still excited.

Well, that will be it for my guys, but thank you so much for hanging out and listening to be babble on about this for a bit. But finding new ways to be inspired and creative always excites me. Thanks for showing up and for encouraging my creativity. It means so much to me. Lots of love! Happy reading and writing guys. Until next time, bye for now.

Celine Rose Marie

I Could Write A Book... If I Had The Time

I Could Write A Book... If I Had The Time

Camp NaNoWriMo 2022