Can I Be A Writer?
Good evening gorgeous,
I know I’ve been all over the place lately, but it’s about to get worse as school is starting for me next week. But I am still hoping to make time for all the things I love, like spending time here with you guys.
So, can you be a writer?
So many beginners ask this question.
The answer is…
Anyone can be a writer. All you need is a way to write, a dream, and an idea.
You call yourself a writer from thew moment you begin writing. Whether you get writer’s block and cannot write or no new ideas are coming to you. Yes, even if you needed to take a break from writing.
You’re a writer if you write.
If you want to be a writer, you can be a writer. End of story.
And no one can tell you that you can’t. No one can take it from you. You can even spin those tales inside your head if you don’t have access to a way to weave them physically. You can hold onto them for later, then write them down.
However you choose to write. Whatever way works best for you. Whatever genres or tropes you choose to write. Whether you want to write academically, commercially, or creatively.
You are still a writer.
And no one can take that from you.
Anybody can be a writer.
Yes, that means even you.
Happy reading and writing! And welcome to the biggest club you’ll ever be part of, beginners. Lots of love! Until next time.
Celine Rose Marie