Study Writing: Improve Your Writing
Good morning Everyone,
It’s so great to be here with you again. And most especially, being able to be here more regularly with you. Things have still been a little crazy over here, but I don’t think I could live sanely anyway. But I’ve been filling my time with a lot of writing and editing. I am powering through this draft and I am so excited to get it out for people to read. I am so ready to promote and see what people think of it.
I already know it won’t be perfect, but it is just a debut. It won’t ever be as perfect as I hope. I just hope I can do the story and the characters enough justice for a first novel. But I’ve been taking so much time with this one because there was a lot wrong with it and at this point I’ve almost completely reworked the novel. I’ve even rewritten most of it by this point. But it’s really getting there and the closer I get the more excited I get.
Anyway, you didn’t come here for an update on me. I may make another update post soon just to rant about a few exciting things and my overall excitement.
No, I want to talk about writing. In my experience, studying what you do or what you want to do is the best possible way to learn new tricks or new methods or possible methods, things you never would’ve considered before the idea was brought to your attention.
Learning about the craft is one of the best ways to better yourself as a writer and to strengthen your writing. Study everything you can in your spare time. And research every topic you can think of. I cannot suggest this enough. The more knowledge you obtain on a subject, the better you get at that subject.
My three biggest tips for improving your writing are:
write often
study/research writing often
read widely
These are the three things have worked the best for me. Writing lots means I’m constantly worked my creative muscles and I’m better learning my own mind. I’m noticing I’m making mistakes as I’m making them instead of as I’m going through a rough draft.
I study writing a lot and I research a variety of topics on writing and I study types of planning and plotting methods. This fills my mind with all kinds of information, meaning I’ll have it on tap if I ever need to use it. It’ll be right there or I’ll know where to go to find it. This helps me improve my writing process and helps me find an easier, simpler, less time-sucking ways to finish a draft or finish revisions. This makes me a lot more efficient and I can get a lot more writing done in a shorter amount of time.
And I live by this last tip. I always encourage people to read lots. Reading has a lot of benefits, including health ones and can increase a person’s intellect and memory and reasoning skills. But for us writers, it’s a way of studying/communicating with each other. We can learn from more experienced writers without having to talk to them if we’re too nervous. We just study their writing, what they do and don’t do. The mistakes they’ve made in the past versus the mistakes they make now. And what parts of the story they tend to focus on more or spend more time on. Reading can teach us a lot about what people love and what they hate and can help us improve our own techniques and ideas and so much more.
But it is important to study and learn more about any activity you partake in and it always makes the experience more fun and interesting. And it can really help you make a better impression whether you’ve querying or self-publishing.
Thank you so much for showing up! I’m so glad to have you here. Happy reading and writing! Until next time.
Celine Rose Marie