Hello lovelies!

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in my writing and reading life. Hope you enjoy your stay!

How To Be A Writer Step 1: Start With An Idea And A Dream

Good morning beauties,

So great to see you. This is a fun, chill checklist on being a writer (because there is no wrong way).

I’ve found there is one thing every writer has in common. They started with an idea and a dream for the impossible.

When I started, mine was to write a book, but I’ve already done that so my goal changed. Now my goal has become to make a living from writing. That is my impossible dream and I’m working towards it every single day. Yes, even if I don’t write everyday.

What’s your impossible dream?

I’ve come across writers of all types over the years and some have goals like, finish a series, self-publish, create something so amazing that they get a movie deal, or just make their families proud with something they create.

Don’t be afraid of your dream being too big, be afraid of it being too small. Because you need a dream that will keep you writing, keep you striving for more, for better. No dream is ever too big, remember that.

And, of course, writers usually have many dreams. This is another one of mine. I have ideas for about 40 novels. My biggest goal is to finish writing them all. Because I want want to leave anything unfinished. But, of course, I’ll likely come up with new ideas along the way, which will only add to the pile. Plus I work and I’m beginning school again in the fall.

Come join us over here, let’s dream big together.

Thank you so much for stopping by. I hope this helps anyone feel more like a writer. All you really need is an idea, a dream, and drive. Lots of love! Happy reading and writing! Until next time.

Celine Rose Marie

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