Hello lovelies!

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in my writing and reading life. Hope you enjoy your stay!

August TBR | Audiobooks!

August TBR | Audiobooks!

Good morning,

I’m back with August’s TBR. I was actually able to get quite a few books knocked off my TBR form last month which is exciting. Plus I’ve rediscovered audiobooks so I’ve been devouring them. 3 books in as many days. I’m hooked and I’ve trained myself to listen to them normally at 2x speed. So I can devour them even faster and not miss a thing.

Okay, so now for why you’re really here. I did actually get a couple more books and will be adding those to my TBR for this month even if I don’t get to them this month. And I’m getting ready for school which starts next month.

August TBR List:


  • A Touch of Malice by Scarlett St. Clair

  • I Am The Wild by Karpov Kinrade

  • College of Shadows by Mark Wells

  • Lady Henela Investigates by Jane Steen

So yes, I realize my TBR has grown to accommodate this extra media for reading, but it’s because some of the paperbacks I already bought so I won’t be buying the audiobook at this time and I read audiobooks much quicker than I do physical books. So I needed to add a bunch of those to the list too. Plus with my hours being so long on the days I do work (even though I’m currently not working 3 days of the week) it leaves me with so much extra time that I can spend listening to audios and getting more books knocked off my TBR.

I’m enjoying how posting my TBR has increased my desire to read and my pace of reading. I want to finish more books so I can add more to the TBR for the next month and show you all that I read many books. It’s encouraging. But it also helps that I have a dedicated time carved out in my evening routine to reading in bed, though lately it hasn’t been so much relaxing, as exciting and energizing. So I haven’t been going to sleep too early lately. But that’s okay, I haven’t been feeling tired or drained so maybe reading is doing it’s job?

So that is it! Please let me know if any of these interest you or if you’ve read any of them and what you thought about them. A lot of the books on here are by self-published or independently authors because I’ve read traditionally published books for most of my life and I’m now wanting to show the indie community more love because there are some amazing indie books out there. You just have to be willing to find them and read them.

And if you really hates a book on this list, tell me why because the reason you hate it might be the reason I will love it. Everyone has their preferences and things I really enjoy you might detest.

Thanks for popping by, it as great to see you. Come back soon. Lots of love! Happy reading and writing! Until next time.

Celine Rose Marie

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