Struggles of Writing And School
Good morning everyone,
Today’s post is important, especially for anyone who is like me, you are a writer and also going to school to be something else if writing doesn’t go as planned. Now I’m not going to sugar-coat this and yes it is just the beginning of the school year. I’m still in the first month of classes, but I’ve done this before. There was even a time when I had to stop writing altogether because school was so demanding.
Now, studying and writing is very hard, extremely hard. But I’m going to try to come up with a system so that I can still manage at least a little bit of writing to satisfy my need for writing and my need for an outlet. But also making sure not to let my grades slip. It’s a very hard line to walk. But I’m going to do what I can to keep up my grades, but also satisfying my own emotional need.
Now, I did have to quit writing for six months while going to school. I hated it. I hated myself. It was a dark time for me. I struggled a lot with imposter syndrome and I felt like I must’ve never been a real writer if I had quit. But what I wasn’t explaining to my own brain, to the imposter syndrome I was feeling, was that I wasn’t quitting. I wasn’t giving up. I was just putting aside the lesser of two things that were important to me. Because at the time, it was either writing or school. And I wanted to go back to school, I didn’t want to put it off or wait.
But I’m hoping I can dabble a bit in writing throughout my mess of studying and homework and classes and my part time job. So that I don’t have to give it up altogether.
I promise you, you’re still a writer. Even if you put your writing on the back burner. Sometimes it’s the best thing for everyone. Because it lightens your load. it releases the pressure when things feel like they’re too much.
And here’s something else I wish someone would have told me then. The writing won’t mind. It won’t hate you the way your mind does. Your writing knows you better than anyone else. It knows you’ll come back and it’ll be waiting for that day. Because your writing doesn’t want to be a burden on you. It wants to fuel you, inspire you, energize you and make you feel loved, heard, and understood. So if you need to take a step back, you're writing will understand and it won’t fault you.
If your writing was a person standing before you and you asked it that question. “Can I take a step back? Is that okay?” It would not only support you, but encourage you to do what is best for you. It can wait. So never feel guilty for not writing when you can’t.
I hope this helps any one of you. If you’re struggling, I promise, you’re not alone. We’re all feeling the struggle.
Happy reading and writing! Lots of love! Until next time.
Celine Rose Marie