Short Fiction And Why You Should Be Writing It
Good morning everyone,
It’s so great to be here! And there are a lot of ideas I’ve been having so you’ll be getting a lot more content. I tried coming up with new ideas of content for you guys. So that led me to thinking a lot about what I do for my writing and the things I enjoy doing that I feel help me. I figured that would be a really good place to start considering it’s what I know.
I love short fiction, reading and writing it and I think it is very beneficial, especially for new writers. Focusing on the details and the story from beginning to end without having to spend months writing it can really help. Writing short fiction means you can hone your skills of story creating and even editing because you can write them much faster and edit them much quicker. This allows for a much quicker learning curve.
Plus, you get to finish more things quicker leading to more confidence in your abilities and your writing. Which is always a good thing. Plus, short stories are great! They are entertaining and fun and short and they don’t take a big commitment to read. Plus they can, and very often are, left incomplete, with an open ending because they are more about a character/change or a change within a character, rather than the mystery itself.
I think they are very helpful, I’ve found them very helpful myself. So helpful, in fact, that I can write a rough draft and completely edit the entire thing in a matter of a few- several days time. They are very quick and bite-sized and it gives readers a chance to sample your writing to see if they’ll like what you produce in the future.
There are many different kinds of short stories to choose from:
Flash Fiction
Short Stories
They can greatly improve your story-telling skills and fast. I think every writer would benefit from at least dabbling in this type of writing. It can be extraordinarily more useful than you would imagine. I think every writer should write short fiction, even if no one ever sees it. It may help you improve more than you think. I know that has been the case for me.
In my experience, I’ve even found them helpful with burnout becasue they feel fun and non-threatening and not quite so time-consuming as writing a novel, especially one that has been dragging you down in the dumps.
Anyway, thank you so much for stopping by, I hope you liked this one. It just came to me and got me excited to write a blog post. I know I’ve been a little unsteady with them lately. Lots of love! See you again very, very soon. Happy reading and writing! Until next time.
Celine Rose Marie