Good evening guys,
Hey guys. This one is late, but for very very good reason. I was editing. I was determined to finish editing the chapter I didn’t finish yesterday, but once that was done I got inspired. I didn’t want to stop, I wanted to keep going. Then after that I spent time with my partner and watched a new TV show. It was a great time! So I spent energy from my creative well, and then I refilled it. It was perfect and now I’m excited to be here tonight and really excited to see of I can pump out another chapter tonight.
I’ve been taking my time with this draft and really combing through it and not trying to rush the process. I want it to be nearly perfect. So I’ve been lenient with myself if I feel like I need a rest or a break. So I have fallen behind a tad from where I’d like to be, but there is still plenty of time. I made sure to include break times into my editing schedule for this book. So we’re still on track, I just tend to have really high expectations for myself. Which is why I’ve been so okay taking my time with this draft. Because I want it to be perfect. Which is actually how I came up with this idea.
No matter where you are in your current WIP or what part of the process you’ve working in, have fun with it. Don’t suck the fun out of it by picking at it. Don’t drag yourself down with goals that you can’t reach. Give yourself some leeway and enjoy your writing. Enjoy the struggle and believe in yourself enough to know that you’ll find a way out of it at some point.
You can do this. You can laugh and smile and surprise yourself with that twist you’ve been thinking of adding. Add it, the readers will eat it up. They love a good twist, especially if you do too. Put on your favourite comfy outfit and your favourite playlist. Open that bottle of wine and pour yourself a glass. Chat with that friend you’ve been thinking about. Share the exciting news about your book or your newest idea.
Just have fun. Fill your creative well. Your writing will only improve because of it. Have fun and let loose. Your writing is supposed to be fun. It might feel like work sometimes, but it should also be fun. That’s the whole point of deciding to be a writer. So don’t drag yourself down. Have fun.
This was short and sweet, but I think some great advice for all writers at all levels. Don’t forget to have fun. Don’t forget that fun and creativity is the reason you wanted to be a writer.
Have fun. Thanks for stopping by! Happy reading and writing! Until next time.
Celine Rose Marie