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How To Come Up With New Ideas When You're Tapped-Out

Good Afternoon guys,

It is so great to be back here. A tad late, but better late than never. Besides I have some great content for today’s post. This post is for those of us who have difficulty sometimes coming up with ideas or we feel blocked and our ideas aren’t flowing. And we all need a little help sometimes and a little reminder.

Creativity is all around us every single day. I’m sure you’ve heard of the famous quote of creative writing advice (though there are so many) “And if you don’t live, you have nothing to write about” by Maynard James Keenan. But it’s true, to feel more creative and to generate more ideas, you need to be out doing things, experiencing things. You cannot just sit on your couch doing nothing and expect that the ideas will flow.

If the words and ideas feel stuck, here are a few ways to change that, to open your mind to new things and encourage new ideas to flow in. Creativity is in the unknown and the only way to know is to do. We find creativity in everyone we meet, the places we go, the choices we decide to make. So make a change and take a chance and inspire your creativity.


  • Go out with friends and do something fun and think about the people around you

  • Order food and speak to the delivery driver, then create a story in your mind of what their life might be like

  • Take a wrong turn and stop somewhere new and create a backstory for the place to end up. What might it feel like/be like and who might live there?

  • Meet someone new you see on the street and say hi or ask them a question. Or just contemplate inside your mind (for those of us with anxiety) how they might react or what they would say if you did speak to them

  • Watch a new TV show and rewrite the characters or rewrite the actions of the characters and the choices they make

  • Take an idea from a TV show or movie and rewrite the idea into something new or pair it with another idea and create something different

  • Take the bus and contemplate the lives of all the passengers on board including the driver

  • Go to an antique store and ask about the story behind one of the pieces then write that story your way or go to an independently owned store and ask about the owner’s ambition for making the store then write their story with a twist

  • Or go to a pet store and contemplate the life of one of the animals and how their story would go if they were adopted by a loving family (or by a terrible one)

Alright! Lots of ways to choose from and so many many more out there. Each person is their own story. Actually, each person is a multitude of stories all wrapped up together. Because a person is their own life story, but they are also the story that others see from the outside looking in. They may only get half the story, but sometimes the parts you miss and don’t understand make it all the more intriguing.

That’s all for now. But get back to writing and try to find those ideas! Good luck! Happy reading and writing! Until next time.

Celine Rose Marie

Happy Birthday To Me! 2023

Happy Birthday To Me! 2023

Enjoying Writing | Just Have Fun With It