Hello lovelies!

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in my writing and reading life. Hope you enjoy your stay!

Staying Motivated To Write

Good Morning Lovelies,

What do you do to stay motivated to write? Are there tricks you use? Do you constantly sip coffee to inspire yourself? Or maybe there is a special book that always strikes inspiration in you. Share with us how you stay motivated and how you keep yourself enjoying writing.

For me, what I find works best is I find an idea that I absolutely love and I obsess over it. I get so obsessed with the idea that I NEED to write, I can’t hold the words back, it’s like flood gates open and all I can do is grab a paddle and a boat and hold on for dear life.

Writing, especially for me with daily life always getting in the way, can be very difficult and there are times when I want so badly to write, but I can’t get any words out no matter how long I sit staring at a blank page. But I try to stay positive and enjoy writing because if I’m not enjoying it then I won’t do it well and more often then not, I will end up blocking myself. I call it a self-induced writer’s block, where you stand in your own way, in the middle of your writing road waving your hands for help like your car is on fire.

I try to write no matter what, but if nothing will come I tuck it away with the encouraging reminder that the words will come when they are ready. Not all the words can be written in a single day or on consecutive days. Sometimes they need time and sometimes you need time too.

Celine Rose Marie

Where Do You Write?

Writing Prompt: Betrayal