Hello lovelies!

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in my writing and reading life. Hope you enjoy your stay!

Living A Writing Life

Good Morning Beautiful People,

Writing is hard, as is everything in life, but writers work especially hard to create things that others will enjoy within their minds. A carpenter creates beautiful, and fanciful furniture that everyone wants in their home and to enjoy. But a writer’s work is more difficult because they have to create something that people will enjoy within their mind. Making people happy is difficult, but what is even more difficult is making them happy in side their own mind with something you have created, to make them feel the things they should feel while reading your book. Maybe a writer’s writing is even especially good that it allows you to see what is happening as though you were watching a movie and not reading a book.

No matter how many books or posts a writer creates, there is always more. They will never stop, they can never stop because there will always be another story or another word that needs to meet the page before them. Writers create entire worlds for us to live in and the majority of them get little or no recognition for it. Some of the best writers are yet to be found, that goes for every single day and every writer that comes into being each day.

Love writers and they will love you!

We love you writers and we applaud you for all your hard work in creating worlds and characters we all love. You are the world’s heroes.

Celine Rose Marie

Writing Prompt: Betrayal

Writing Prompt: Two